Gill Walker – CRM Success Catalyst, Speaker, Educator, D365 Project Manager, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Functional Consultant, Solution Architect, Advisor, Trainer, MCT, MVP, DTM


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+61 2 82 1234 80

Welcome to Opsis – Your home for Dynamics 365 & Power Platform Success

Opsis delivers high-quality Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform solutions.  We are a small team of highly skilled people.  With a track record of success in delivering complex and highly integrated systems for medium to large organisations, we partner with our clients and take a long term view. Working with Opsis enables you to create a solution that capitalises on the technology and that your users want to use and which delivers rapid results. Our services include speaking, education, consulting, change management, project management, mentoring, training and support on Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft Dynamics 365, ClickDimensions and CRM, led by our principal CRM Success Catalyst - Gill Walker.  Gill Walker is the creator of SuccessRM - your blueprint for CRM success



Opsis delivers formal and flexible training for your end users, for your technical team and your leadership team to help with the success of your CRM project

Learn more about Opsis CRM Education & Training



Gill Walker speaks on business success with CRM, CRM Leadership, Dynamics 365 and techniques to build your business results with your CRM

Learn more about Gill Walker speaking



Opsis advice focusses on your CRM success – your results not licence sales or billable hours

Learn more about Opsis CRM advice, support and Consulting



When you invest in an Education-led approach, your CRM results follow your understanding – upwards

Learn how Opsis can help boost your CRM results

Recent Blogs from Opsis

Sunday, July 07, 2024 Gill Walker CRM Blog 0


Three keys to keeping CRM projects on time (and within budget)

Are you responsible for delivering Microsoft Dynamics 365 projects on time – and frustrated by how often they go over time or / and over budget?

Perhaps you wonder why overruns happen?

Maybe you’d like to prevent budget explosions happening.

budget explosion cr

If so, you're not alone. After two decades of assisting organisations with CRM implementations, I've witnessed these challenges far too frequently. But fear not, there are ways to mitigate these issues and ensure your project's success.

Sunday, July 07, 2024 Gill Walker CRM Blog 0

A blinding flash of the obvious - an Opsis Dynamics 365 health check may make your life with CRM far more comfortable

We marvelled at the view of the Captain James Cook Memorial fountain from Mt Ainslie, then decided to get up close and personal. When we got close, we really felt the spray from the fountain – we ended up damp from the water vapor 🚿 and truly shivering in the cold 🥶.

On Mt Ainslie, the trees provided shelter. But down by Lake Burley Griffin, we had a blinding flash of the obvious: moisture in the cool air makes it much colder!

When you get up close and personal with your CRM, what do you see?

Sunday, May 26, 2024 Gill Walker CRM Blog 0

Many people in sales feel as though they are juggling many software platforms - email, CRM, video calls, LinkedIn and more.   Sometimes something gets dropped, perhaps with undesirable results.

As a sales manager, you know how challenging it can be to keep track of leads, deals, and customer information across various platforms. But what if there was a way to streamline the process and increase sales at the same time?

During this event, originally deliverd in June 2023, Gill Walker shares insights and tips on how to simplify your sales process and increase your bottom line. Watch the recording of this presentation - below - to take your sales game to the next level!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales helps your sales teams track accounts, contacts, customers, prospects, leads, potential sales and the interactions occurring as you progress the sales. It also supports you in nurturing sales, setting up detailed marketing lists, and keeping up with services associated with specific customer accounts.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales also provides robust reporting to help you track activity, anticipated revenue, your best customer, prospects and KPIs, to mention only a few.

When you upgrade to Enterprise Sales, in addition to all the standard and professional benefits, you get:

Monday, May 20, 2024 Gill Walker CRM Blog 0

What makes a CRM solution a success - or a failure?

The simple answer is creating a solution which solves real business issues for the organisation.


However, that is probably not what you expected as an answer.

Saturday, March 30, 2024 Gill Walker CRM Blog 0

A lesson from history for our Dynamics 365 training


Fifty-seven years ago today, a routine training exercise turned tragic, claiming the lives of nineteen people. On March 30, 1967, Delta Air Lines Flight 9877 departed from New Orleans International Airport for what was supposed to be a straightforward training flight. Two engines were to be shut down, and the trainee pilot would navigate the aircraft using the remaining engines, circling the airport before landing.

But the exercise took a devastating turn. Critical errors by the trainee pilot led to the aircraft crashing just short of the runway, striking power lines, demolishing two homes, and causing extensive damage to a nearby motel. The crash resulted in the loss of thirteen innocent lives on the ground, along with all six crew members.

This tragic event underscores the importance of effective training and supervision. In an era before sophisticated flight simulators, real aircraft were sometimes used for training exercises, as was the case here. However, the investigation revealed lapses in supervision and improper use of flight controls by both the instructor and trainee.

This story serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of inadequate training and oversight, offering valuable lessons for projects involving Dynamics 365 and beyond. It's a sobering reminder of the critical role of proper instruction and supervision in any endeavour.

Unleash the Power of Dynamics 365 Training! 

Are you ready to soar with Dynamics 365 and Power Platform training? Strap in as we uncover the secrets to success in harnessing these powerful tools.

Do you have a flight simulator, i.e. a training environment where your users can learn without putting real data at risk?

Imagine having your own flight simulator for training, a virtual playground where users can explore, experiment, and learn without risking real data. It's not just about avoiding disaster; it's about unleashing creativity and innovation without boundaries. This is what you get when you invest in a training environment.

Too often, organizations gamble with their production environment for training, risking data integrity and reporting accuracy. But why roll these dice when setting up a dedicated training environment costs next to nothing? Don't let shortcuts sabotage your success.

Is the training that you are relying on high quality training with an expert trainer

Quality training is the fuel that propels your team to greatness. Expert trainers ignite the spark of learning, catering to diverse learning styles and ensuring every question finds an answer. Picture an interactive session where participants engage, collaborate, and thrive, leaving behind the monotony of one-way lectures.

Don't settle for mediocrity. Elevate your training experience, and watch as your investment in knowledge pays dividends. It's time to buckle up and embark on a journey where learning knows no limits!"

Training is the lifeblood of a successful CRM / Microsoft Dynamics 365 project. Effective training ensures that users fully understand and effectively use their CRM system to its fullest potential. Effective training also ensures that good technical decisions are made throughout the project.

If you have any questions about your Microsoft Dynamics 365 training, please contact us by email at or by phone on +61 2 82 1234 80.

A selection of Opsis clients, past and present

Gill Walker helps Phoenix House Youth Services use Dynamics 365 for case management and fundraising  Gill Walker trained key people in Dept of Finance in Configuration of D365 so they can fly solo Gill Walker helped JMA Hardward implement their Prospect CRM Gill Walker provides training for Firebrand's clients Gill Walker joins the Business Aspect team to help them deliver a client's training needs in Dynamics 365 Gill Walker supported LPI within NSW Government with end user training Gill Walker is helping the DA team to get far more value from their Dynamics 365 QTAC engaged Gill Walker for training in Configuration of D365. QTAC wished they had done the training far earlier Gill Walker worked with Arts North West to help them mange their members with Dynamics 365 Gill Walker helps LEDC to maxismise their sales with Dynamics 365, including a custom interface to their quoting tool Gill Walker guided Nexgen to rescue a very poorly done implemen tation of D365 and ClickDimensions. Gill Walke r helped Alzheimers Australia deploy Dynamics 365 to a National Call Centre w a focus on data security Gill Walker is mentoring Community Security Group to manage their volunteers & events w Dynamics 365 Gill Walker helped EziDebit streamline their sales pipeline with Dynamics 365 Gill Walker reviewed and revised on a CRM exam for Brainbench Gill Walker trained key team members at GS1 to enable them to manage their own Dynamics 365 Gill Walker was instrumental in the foundation of a financial planning platform built on Microsoft CRM Gill Walker supports JBW with their Dynamics 365 & is called whenever they have problems Gill Walker ran a workshop for Australian Human Rights Commission to help them work out their future with D365 Powerful Points engaged Gill Walker to run a Health check on their Dynamics 365 Comcare asked Gill Walker to provide a wide range of training for the support team CTO engaged Gill Walker to help out one of their clients with their Dynamics 365 McKenzie Partners engaged Gill Walker & Opsis to create an ordering & invoicing system using Dynamics 365 which saved saved hours of the CFO's week Chi-x benefited from Gill Walker's flexible approach with a Getting Started with Dynamics 365 AIIA brought in Opsis & Gill Walker to help them understand how they could make improvements in their D365 BaptistCare engaged Gill Walker for a training course in Business Intelligence with Dynamics 365 MJH Group worked with Gill Walker for many months to correct their implementation of ClickDimensions Gill Walker & Opsis created a CRM solution to enable Applied Training Solutions to profit from installing solar panels Gill Walker is delivering training remotely across Europe for Proximo3 Gill Walker is part of the GrandMasters team improving the Microsoft exams Gill Walker is delivering training remotely and in person for Training4Dynamics Gill Walker & Opsis enabled Land & Property Information to replace 42 legacy CRMs with Dynamics 365 Gill Walker advised a GuidePoint client about the opportunity to develop a Marketing Automation solution for Dynamics 365 Gill Walker & Opsis enabled Avnet to move Dynamics 365 from a glor ified rolodex to a true time - saver

Gill Walker's showreel QR code

Opsis is an expert Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform and CRM strategy consulting company. Our focus is your CRM success, with Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Microsoft Power Platform or any CRM technology - not licence sales or billable hours. As Principal CRM Success Catalyst, Gill oversees all business operations, strategic planning and execution, yet she still believes in offering personal attention to each and every client, so as to understand their needs and offer tailored solutions.  We are based in Sydney, with clients in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane and across Australia.  Gill is the creator of SuccessRM - your blueprint for CRM success.  We offer:

  • Strategy for your successful CRM
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
    • scoping
    • implementation
    • technical support
    • training
    • consulting, advice and guidance
    • assistance with your centre of excellence
  • Mentoring for CIOs and other decision makers tasked with implementing CRM.